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O/C Band 110 GHz Ring Resonator Modulator


The RRM-C110 is Polariton’s plasmonic ring-resonator modulator, an ideal component for high-speed electro-optic modulation in the O/C band. Delivered as a chip it targets integration into small factor products.

Key Features

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    3-dB electro-optic bandwidth >110 GHz

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    Lumped, low-capacitance RF design

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    Chip dimensions 1.5 mm x 2 mm

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    O/C band operation

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    Possible electrical drive: Single, differential, or dual

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    Available as single or 4-channel device


The RRM-C110, ring resonator generate an intensity modulation and stand for outstanding high-speed electro-optic conversion for applications in the O and C band. Featuring a bandwidth beyond 110 GHz, the RRM-C110 modulator has been proven working up to 170 GHz, which makes it a first choice for your next generation measurement system, radio-over-fiber communication or high data rate optical transport.

This modulator presents a spectrum with peaks and extinctions, which provides change of the operating point by tuning the wavelength of the laser source, making a bias voltage source unnecessary.

Delivered as a chip or semi-packaged chip, this product can be tailored to your needs.

Related Papers

Variant Selector

EO bandwidthOptical bandRR variantOrdering code
110 GHzO bandsingle-ended, differential, dualRRM-C110-o
110 GHzC bandsingle-ended, differential, dualRRM-C110-c
110 GHzO band4-channelRR4-C110-o
110 GHzC band4-channelRR4-C110-c

RRM-C110 performance Data

O bandC band
Peak wavelength1310 nm1550 nm
Insertion loss (IL)<10 dB<8 dB
Static extinction ratio (ER)>8 dB>8 dB
DC bias on/off voltage<1.5 V<1.5 V
3-dB EO bandwidth>110 GHz>110 GHz
Vdrive @ 100 kHz, @ 50 Ohm*<2 V<2 V
Free Spectral Range~4.7 nm~4.7 nm

Maximum Ratings

O bandC band
Optical input power**Contact Polariton0 dBm
RF input power @ 50 Ohm18 dBm18 dBm
DC voltage at RF input0 V0 V
DC bias voltage
DC bias current
15 mA
15 mA
Operating / storage temperature~25°C~25°C

* Vdrive is double if driven by a matched high impedance driver.

** Operation time of 8000 h with a Vdrive degradation <10%.

Mechanical and Optical Specifications

O bandC band
Optical input and outputGrating coupler (GC), 127 um pitchGrating coupler (GC), 127 um pitch
Center wavelength at GC angle1310 nm at 8°1550 nm at 8°
Optical source neededTunable laser source,1310 nm ±10 nm rangeTunable laser source,1550 nm ±10 nm range
Electrical RF interfaceG-S, S-G, S-S̄, S̄-S, or S1-S2, 30 –170 μm pitchG-S, S-G, S-S̄, S̄-S, or S1-S2, 30 –170 μm pitch
Electrical DC interface+/-, 75 – 245 μm pitch+/-, 75 – 245 μm pitch